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Гербы князей МАРШЬАН - Маршан - Маршания



Mar�an Aile Damgalar�

4. Зангариа (Zangaria) 35. Инал-ипа (Inal-ipa) 36-37. Карамсокал (Karamsokal) 38-39. Квициния (Kvicinia) 40. Куши-ипа (Kushi-ipa) 41. Кяхир (Kiahir) 42-43. Лакербай (Lakerbay) 44. Лацушба (Lacushba) 45-46. Маан (Maan) 47-51,58-61. Маршан (Marshan) 52-57. Ширанбей (Shiranbey) 62-63. Отырба (Otirba) 64-66. Пилия (Pilia) 67. Убирия (Ubiria) 68. Хавугу (Havugu) 69-70. Хагба (Hasba) 71-72. Хандрава (Handrava) 73. Хахуба (Hahuba) 74. Хеция (Hecia) 75. Хопшух-ипа (Hopshuh-ipa) 76. Цыб-ипа (Cib-ipa) 77-79. Чачба (Chachba) 80. Шония (Shonia) 81-86.- ? 




De�erli Akrabalar�m�z

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Atalar�m�z kartal gibi ya�ad�lar

Наши предки жили как орлы




Tata� Mar�an - Abhazya


Tata� Mar�an - T�rkiye'de


Loh'a Mar�an'lar - Abhazya


Hac� Katz (Kuc) Bezhanovi� Maan


Atay ypa Selim Sabit Pa�a

(Oturan - Sa�dan ikinci)


Mar�an Abd�lkadir Hasan Bey


Mar�an H�srev Pa�a ve E�i


Daruk Mar�an

Emir Mar�an Pa�a'n�n amcas�


Chaga Marshania



Emir Mar�an Pa�a


Emir Mar�an Pa�a


Hamit Mar�an

Emir Mar�an Pa�a'n�n o�lu


Muhammed Bek Mar�an

20. yuzy�l ba��nda Halep �ehri Askeri Komutan�


�smail Bey (Mar�an)


Hayrettin Er�an (Mar�an)

Yurdaer ve �smail Er�an (Mar�an) �n babas�


H�sniye Er�an (Mar�an)



Hasanbi Mar�an (Marshanukova)


Hasanbi Mar�an (Marshanukova)


Prens Abd�lkadir Bey Mar�ania

Князь Абдулкадир-бек Марщаниа

(d. 1862-�. 1928)

Abhaz Prensi Hasan Bey Mar�ania ile prenses Fatma Horecan Aredba'n�n o�lu

O�lu Prens �smail Bey Mar�ania ï¿½stiklal Sava��nda ï¿½ehit oldu.


Son Han�m Sultan

Prenses Emine Nazikeda

 (d. 9 Ekim 1866, Tzebelda/Abhazya) - (�. 4 Nisan 1941, Maadi, KahireM�s�r)

Sultan VI. Mehmet Vahdettin�in e�i

Abhaz Prensi Hasan Bey Mar�ania ile Prenses Fatma Horecan Aredba'n�n k�z�

Prens Abd�lkadir Bey Mar�ania'n�n Karde�i


Konstantin ypa Eymhaa (Mar�an) Arzakan

Chairman of the Autonomous Republic (Abkhazia)


Eymhaa (Mar�an) Mah�eref Han�m

Prens Osman Bey Emuhvari (Abhazca: Eymhaa Osman Bey) ve Prenses Hesna �aabalurhva'n�n k�z�

Prenses Rabia Peyveste Emuhvari'nin  (Pitsunda/Abhazya 1872 - Paris 1944 - Abhaz Prensesi ve Sultan II. Abd�lhamit e�i) ablas�


Mahmut Mar�an & Hatice (Hatcet) Mar�an


Hatice (Hatcet) Mar�an


Misliha Mar�an


Muzaffer Mar�an


Muzaffer Mar�an - Nikah


Muzaffer Mar�an


Yusuf Mar�an


Yusuf & Beyza Mar�an


Yusuf & Mahir Mar�an


Muzaffer Mar�an & Yusuf Mar�an


 Hrips ypa a'Mar�an ï¿½mran �n�g�r


 Hrips ypa a'Mar�an ï¿½mran �n�g�r

1953 y�l�nda



Y�lmaz Mar�an


General Memduh Abaza - Mar�an  (Suriye)

Suriye Hava Kuvvetleri Eski Komutan�

Dr. Med. �eref Mar�an��n karde�i

M�sl�man Karde�ler �rg�t� taraf�ndan �ehit edildi


Profes�r Lorik Marshania

Vefat Tarihi: A�ustos 14, 2010



Abhazya Cumhuriyeti Armas�

Герб Республики Абхазия


Abhaz Ata S�z�:

Кыткl aзнa ъaxlльы aцкlыc кытипхьaдзa ъaxlльыкl.
Tamam� akraba olan bir k�ydense her k�yde bir akraba.
(K�tk� azna �aħļ� atsk��s k�tipxeadza �aħļ�k�.)



Abhaz  &  Adige     /     Etnik K�kenler



Гербы Ачба - Анчабадзе королевской семьи

A�ba Kraliyet Armalar�




A�ba - An�abadze Aile Damgalar�


1. Абхазская тамга (?) 2. Аган ипа (Agan-ipa) 3-4. Агрба (Agrba) 5-6. Амкваба (Amkvaba) 7. Анчабадзе (Anchabadze) 8. Апсхе (Apskhe) 9. Аргун (Argun) 10-11. Арсалия (Arsalia) 12. Аршба (Arshba) 13-14. Атумай (Atumay) 15-21. Ачба (Achba) 22. Алма Ачба (Alma Achba) 23. Ачба (Achba) 24. Бганба (Bganba) 25. Гуниа (Gunia) 26. Джгерданская (община) (Djgerdan) 27-30. Дзяпш-ипа (Dzapsh-ipa) 31. Джопуа (Djopua) 32-33. Емхаа (Emhaa)





         A�ba Hapuk Bey                                                  A�ba Cafer Bey


Grigol Anchabadze




Prince Konstantine "Kote" Abkhazi - Achba - Anchabadze ve E�i


Nesli�ah Sultan.

Nesli�ah Sultan'�n anneannesi Mar�an-pha Emine Nazikeda'd�r.

 Dedesi Sultan Vahdettin. Annesi Sabiha Sultan, babas� Faruk Efendi'dir.

(Yukar�daki resim baz� Internet kaynaklar�nda sehven "Prenses Leyla A�ba'n�n" resmi olarak verilmektedir. Bu nedenle burada sergilenmesinde yarar g�r�lm��t�r. Bu konuda Say�n Papapha Mahinur Tuna'n�n katk�lar�na te�ekk�r ederiz.)



Prenses Leyla G�lef�an A�ba - An�abadze



Neylermi� Leyla'y� bu fani cihan
Hasret ile helak oldu v�cud an be an

Sultan Mehmed Vahid�ddin Han'd� c�mlemizin efendisi
Ba� tac� eyledi hem�ireyi Kad�nefendi

Pek ani zuhur buldu Sivas diyar�nda vefat
Aile efrad� i��n anda yeri makber-i ��heda
Eser daim �zerinde hasretl� bad

Prens Ahmed A�ba-An�abadze (prensesin a�abeyi)



Prenses Mihri M��fik  A�ba  An�abadze   Otoportre



T�bbiye Naz�r� - A�ba Ahmet Rasim Pa�a


A�ba Ahmet Bey



Sa�dan sola: Naharbey A�ba, Saatbey A�ba, Katerina Mar�an Pha



Achba Sasrikua ypa Naharbey


Melih A�ba - 1940 - Golden Gloves Champion Title


Melih A�ba - 1974 - 61 Ya��nda





Гербы Чачба - Шервашидзе королевской семьи

�a�ba Kraliyet Armalar�




�a�ba Aile Damgalar�

4. Зангариа (Zangaria) 35. Инал-ипа (Inal-ipa) 36-37. Карамсокал (Karamsokal) 38-39. Квициния (Kvicinia) 40. Куши-ипа (Kushi-ipa) 41. Кяхир (Kiahir) 42-43. Лакербай (Lakerbay) 44. Лацушба (Lacushba) 45-46. Маан (Maan) 47-51,58-61. Маршан (Marshan) 52-57. Ширанбей (Shiranbey) 62-63. Отырба (Otirba) 64-66. Пилия (Pilia) 67. Убирия (Ubiria) 68. Хавугу (Havugu) 69-70. Хагба (Hasba) 71-72. Хандрава (Handrava) 73. Хахуба (Hahuba) 74. Хеция (Hecia) 75. Хопшух-ипа (Hopshuh-ipa) 76. Цыб-ипа (Cib-ipa) 77-79. Чачба (Chachba) 80. Шония (Shonia) 81-86.- ? 



Prince Georgi Dmitrievich Chachba - Shervashidze



Prince Giorgi Dimitrievitch Chachba - Shervashidze



Mihail Chachba - Shervashidze






Princess Nino Chachba - Shervashidze


Mery Chachba - Shervashidze





Theresa Chichua-Shervaschilze


Mary Shervashidze Eristavi




Prince Aleksandr Konstantinovich Chachba-Shervashidze



George Shervashidze


Sukhumi Mayor - Alexander G. Shervashidze among its Abkhazian and Georgian relatives. In the front row sitting, left Grigol Ushangovich Dadiani Varlam G. Anchabadze. 
Center: Alexander G. Shervashidze, Michael Jordania. Standing: First - Konstan
tin Sherim-Beevich Shervashidze Grigol Jikia third, fourth -
 A leksandr (Durub) Elizbarovich Mkheidze.













Mar�an Aileleri'nin De�erli �yeleri

A�a��da izledi�iniz soy a�ac� �al��malar� s�rekli geli�me halinde olacak bir ara�t�rmay� sergilemektedir. HR�PS soy a�ac�n�n ve di�er ailelere ait soy a�a�lar�n�n alt a��l�mlar� zaman i�inde geli�tirilerek g�r��lerinize arz edilecektir. Bu konuda katk� ve ele�tirilerinizi l�tfen [email protected]  adresine iletiniz.

("Hrips ypa"Ailesi Soy A�ac� konusundaki yo�un eme�inden dolay� "Ayhab�" Hrips ypa a'Mar�an �mran �N�G�R'�  sayg� ile an�yoruz).



Hrips ypa a'Mar�an �mran �n�g�r               1953 y�l�nda



A�a��da g�rd���n�z ve Say�n Sehnaz �n�g�r (Hrips pha a'Mar�an) taraf�ndan bize iletilmi� olan bu �al��ma orijinal Abhaz - Rus ar�iv �al��malar�na dayanmaktad�r. Kendisine �ok de�erli emeklerinden dolay� te�ekk�r ederiz. L�tfen bu belgeyi inceleyerek gerekli g�rd���n�z ek ve/veya d�zeltmeler konusunda bize bilgi veriniz. Te�ekk�rler.



Abhazya Prenslerinin kadim k�kleri konusunda bilgi i�in l�tfen t�klay�n�z.



Kral Ailelerinin Listesi...



A�'a\ A�ba



Tavad - Prens (Mar�an) Ailelerinin Listesi...

Общий список МАРШЬАН - Маршан - Маршания Семьи

































"Ar�nba'lar�n Armas�" konusunda bilgi g�nderen Ar�nba Hakan Ar�n'a te�ekk�r ederiz.





"Kujba'lar�n Armas�" konusunda bilgi g�nderen Genar Janberk - Murat Dereli'ye te�ekk�r ederiz.









"Kazlat'lar�n �eceresi" konusunda bilgi g�nderen Kazlat ypa a'Mar�an Mehmet Necati Temel'e  te�ekk�r ederiz.


Di�er aileler ile akrabal�klar i�in bak�n�z:




Mar�ania Abd�lkadir Bey

Vikipedi, �zg�r ansiklopedi

Mar�ania Abd�lkadir Bey (rus. Князь Абдулкадир-бек Марщаниа) bir Abhaz Prensi ve Sultan Vahdettin Han'�n e�i Emine Nazikeda Sultan'�n a�abeyidir.

Prens Hasan Bey Mar�ania'n�n o�lu olarak Abhazya'n�n Tzebelda kasabas�nda d�nyaya geldi. 93. Harbi (1877) esnas�nda Osmanl� Devleti'ne Ailesi ve Maiyeti ile g�� etti. Sivas yak�nlar�nda bulunan Kadirk�y��n� kurdu. O�lu Prens �smail Bey Mar�ania �stiklal Sava��nda �ehit oldu.


  • Prenses Leyl� G�lef�an A�ba-An�abadze: Bir �erkes Prensesinin Harem Hat�ralar�, Istanbul 2004


Emine Nazikeda

Vikipedi, �zg�r ansiklopedi

Emine Nazikeda Ba� Kad�nefendi ( 9 Ekim 1866, Tzebelda/Abhazya - 4 Nisan 1941, Maadi/Kahire) Sultan Mehmed Vahdettin Han e�i.

Abhaz Prensi Hasan Bey Mar�ania k�z�d�r. Ailesi Osmanl� Devleti'ne, 93 Harbinde Abhazya'dan g�� ederek yerle�mi�tir. Erkek karde�i Prens Abd�lkadir Bey Mar�ania (Mar�ania Abd�lkadir Bey), Sivas yak�nlar�nda bulunan Kadirk�y'� kurmu�tur. Kendisi ise ailesi taraf�ndan Saray hizmetine verilmi� ve orada b�y�m��t�r.

Vahdettin Han ile 8 Haziran 1885 tarihinde evlenmi�tir. Fenire, Sabiha ve Ulviye Sultan'lar�n annesidir. E�inin 1918 y�l�nda Padi�ah olmas� �zerine Osmanl� Devleti'nin son sultan� olmu�tur. Vahdettin Han yurdu terk edince, Emine Nazikeda da 1924 senesinde s�rg�ne g�nderilmi� ve Kahire'de 1941 y�l�nda vefat etmi�tir.

  • Prenses Leyl� G�lef�an A�ba-An�abadze: Bir �erkes Prensesinin Harem Hat�ralar�, Istanbul 2004
  • Y�lmaz �ztuna: �slam Devletleri, Istanbul 1989


Schahinde Marschania von Tzebelda

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop�die

Kezziban Schahinde Marschania von Tzebelda (t�rk. Prenses Kezziban �ahinde Mar�ania-Tzebelda) (* 23. September 1895 im Marschania Palais in Kadirk�y zu Sivas, � 15. M�rz 1924 in Istanbul) war eine Hofdame am Hofe Sultan Mehmed VI..

Kezziban Schahinde war die Tochter des abchasischen Prinzen Abd�lkadir Marschania von Tzebelda und der Prinzessin Mavlude Inalpa von Gulisti. Schahinde wurde schon mit 5 Jahren zu ihrer Tante Emine Nazikeda, die mit dem osmanischen Prinzen Mehmed Vahdettin verheiratet war geschickt, um bei ihr eine gute Erziehung zu bekommen. Da abchasische Adelst�chter am Sultanshof begehrt waren, nicht nur wegen ihrer Sch�nheit, sondern auch wegen ihrer Anpassungsf�higkeit an den Harem, wollten die Eltern Schahinde mit einem osmanischen Prinzen oder gar mit dem Sultan selbst verheiratet sehen.

Die Tante erzog die Nichte liberal und als Schahinde reif f�r eine Heirat war, schlug sie alle Bewerber ab, sogar den beliebten Prinzen Burhaneddin, der schon zwei Frauen hatte, wollte sie nicht. Sie zog sich von dem Zeitpunkt an, in eine literarische Welt zur�ck. Schahinde lie� sich extra aus Frankreich, England und Deutschland B�cher bestellen um sie alle geradezu auswendig zu lernen. Am Hof gab man ihr den Spitznamen "Mademoiselle l'Europe", was ihrem Ansehen sehr schadete.

Als Emine Nazikeda, mit der Thronbesteigung ihres Mannes im Jahre 1918 zur Kaiserin erkl�rt wurde, erhob sie ihre Nichte kurzerhand zur Ehrendame. Von nun an richtete sich der gesamte Hass des Hofes auf die junge Prinzessin, die sich noch immer nicht verheiraten wollte. Schlie�lich musste die Tante sie auf ein entlegenes Palais im Haremspark schicken, wo sie fern vom Hofleben ihr Dasein fristen sollte.

Doch als Sultan Mehmed VI. 1922 ins Exil ging und seine Familie in Istanbul zur�ck lie�, sperrten die Revolution�re die Kaiserin Emine Nazikeda zusammen mit ihren Hofdamen, darunter auch Prinzessin Marschania in den Feriye Palais ein.

Schahinde litt unter den despotischen W�chterinnen des Feriye Palais sehr, weshalb sie oft krank wurde. Als dann auch die Sultansfamilie 1924 ins Exil geschickt wurde, hielt man die Prinzessin noch f�nf weitere Tage fest. Schlie�lich wurde sie vom T�rkischen Parlament frei gesprochen. Am Tag ihrer Freilassung wurde Prinzessin Marschania von einem fanatischen Revolution�r auf offener Stra�e erdolcht und erlag kurze Zeit sp�ter im Krankenhaus an ihrer schweren Verletzung.


  • Leyl� G�lef�an Acba-Ancabadze: Bir �erkes Prensesinin Harem Hat�ralar�. L&M Yay�nc�l�k, Istanbul 2004.



Kadirk�y, Sivas

Vikipedi, �zg�r ansiklopedi

Kadirk�y Sivas �l Merkezine ba�l� olup bug�nk� ad� Uzuntepe�dir. K�y�n kurucusu Abhaz Prensi Mar�ania Abd�lkadir Bey'dir.

Tarihe 93 Harbi olarak ge�en 1877 senesindeki Osmanl�-Rus Sava��ndan sonra, T�rk topraklar�na g�� eden Mar�ania ailesi evvela Sivas'a yerle�mi�lerdir. Daha sonra Sivas Valisi Halil R�fat Pa�a taraf�ndan, mirass�z �len H�d�r A�a'n�n �iftli�i, Mar�ania Abd�lkadir Bey'e hediye edilmi�tir. Abd�lkadir Bey �iftli�i y�kt�rarak yerine ailesi i�in b�y�k bir Konak ve Kona��n etraf�nda maiyeti i�in evler yapt�rm�� ve b�ylece K�y�n in�aas�na ba�lanm��t�r.

K�y kurulduktan sonra Prens Abd�lkadir Bey'e h�rmeten ad� Kadirk�y konulmu�tur.

K�z�l�rmak k�y�lar�nda bulunan K�y, uzun s�re bal�k��l�k ile, daha sonrada Hayvanc�l�k ve tar�mdan ge�imini sa�lam��t�r.

Abd�lkadir Bey'in k�z karde�i Prenses Emine Nazikeda, Sultan VI. Mehmet Vahdettin�in e�i oldu�undan k�y, tarih bak�m�ndan �nem ta��maktad�r.

�stiklal Sava�� esnas�nda k�y y�ksek say�da do�udan g�� alm��t�r. 1940 senelerine do�ru Kadirk�y de ya�ayan T�rkler taraf�ndan k�y�n ad� Kelh�d�r'a de�i�tirilmi�tir. Bu olaydan sonra K�y�n Abhaz n�fusu K�y'� terketmeye ba�lam��, 1970'li y�llarda ise K�y'de hemen hemen hi� Abhaz kalmam��t�r.

K�y� himaye eden ve b�y�mesinde b�y�k katk�s� olan Emine Nazikeda Sultan'd�r.

1980'li y�llarda K�y�n ad� Uzuntepe yap�lm��t�r. 2003 senesinde ise Sivas'�n Mahallesi olmu�tur.



Di�er aileler ile akrabal�klar i�in bak�n�z:



The Shirvashidze (Chachba) Dynasty


fl. 1040 Otago I Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia, son of Chacha Shirvashidze, Prince of Kvabuleti.


bf. 1184 - 1213 Otago II Shirvashidze, Prince of Sukhumi.


13xx - 1243 Dardan Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia. General of the armies of the Sultan of Konia. He was k. in battle, 26th June 1243.


fl. 1459 Rabia Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia.


fl. 1491  Salomoni I Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia. Established his independence in 1491. He d. after 1495, having had issue:

�        1) Arsqan Shirvashidze [Azra Khan], Prince of Abkhazia - see below.


fl. 1520 Arsqan Shirvashidze [Azra Khan], Prince of Abkhazia, son and heir of Salomoni I Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia.


1625  Taimurazi Shirvashidze [Taimuraz Khan], Prince of Abkhazia. Confirmed as ruler of Abkhazia by the Sultan, for aiding the Turks against the Persians.


fl. 1637 Qara Bey Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia.


fl. 1650 Kuapu Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia.


fl. 1665 Salomoni II Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia. He had issue, three sons:

�        1) Zurab Shirvashidze.

�        2) Jigetshi Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia - see below.

�        3) Kuaf [Kuapu] Shirvashidze, Prince of Bedia. He d. after 1700, having had issue, two sons:

�        a) Mirza Khan Shirvashidze, Prince of Bedia (or Samurzaqano). He d. ca. 1770, having had issue, a son:

�       i) Khutunica Shirvashidze, Prince of Bedia. A relative of Mancha [Manuchar] Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia. Rebelled against the Turks, and established a semi-independent principality, 1757. He was k. in battle, 1758, having had issue, two sons:

�       (1) Levanti Shirvashidze, Prince of Bedia. Expelled by his nephew, Prince Manuchar, in 1798. m. a daughter of Prince Shirvashidze-Inalipa of Gulisti. He d. after 1798, having had issue, one son and one daughter, including:

�      (a) Khutuna Shirvashidze [Mahmud Beg], Prince of Bedia. Succeeded his cousin, 1813. fl. 1849.

�       (2) Prince Solomon Shirvashidze. He d. before 1798, having had issue:

�      (a) Manuchar Shirvashidze, Prince of Bedia. Expelled his uncle and seized the family domains, 1798. m. (first) (div.) a daughter of Prince Bulikuku Shirvashidze, Lord of Saberio-Kapiti. m. (second) H.S.H. Princess Kethavan (b. 1792; m. 1823, Prince Rustam Bey - see below), eldest daughter of His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Grigol [Gregori] VI Dadiani, Duke of Dukes of Mingrelia, by his second wife, H.H. The Most Brilliant Princess Nina, third daughter of H.M. The Most Serene King Giorgi XII, King of Georgia. He was k. by his brother, Levanti, ca. 1813, having had issue, two sons:

�      (i) Alexander Manucharovitch Shirvashidze, Prince of Bedia. He was k. by Prince Tariel Dadiani, 1829.

�      (ii) Dimitri Manucharovitch Shirvashidze, Prince of Bedia. Succeeded his brother, 1829. He d. in Russia, 1832, having had issue, two sons:

�     1. Prince Alexander Dimitrievitch Shirvashidze.

�     2. H.H.E. Prince Giorgi Dimitrievitch Schervaschidze. b. 1847. Grand Master of the Imperial Court, Attached to the person of Empress Maria Feodorovna, Gentleman of the Bedchamber 1885. m. Princess Maria Alexandrovna, n�e Baroness Nicolay. He had issue, one son:

�     a. Prince Dimitri Giorgievitch Schervaschidze. Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the Emperor of Russia 1913, Marshal of the Nobility of Sviantzany.

�      (b) Prince Levanti Shirvashidze. He had issue, a son:

�      (i) Prince Outa Shirvashidze. He had issue:

�      (c) Prince Bejan Shirvashidze, Lord of Nabanevi. He had issue, one son and one daughter.

�        b) Prince Avtandil Shirvashidze. He had issue, a son:

�       i) Prince Bulikuku Shirvashidze, Lord of Saberio-Kapiti. He had issue, two sons and one daughter:

�       (1) Prince Zurab Shirvashidze, Lord of Saberio.

�       (2) Prince Kukuloba Shirvashidze.

�       (1) A daughter. m. as his first wife (div.) Manuchar Shirvashidze, Prince of Bedia (k. by his brother, Levanti, ca. 1813), eldest son of Prince Solomoni Shirvashidze - see above.

�        4) Prince Khutunica Shirvashidze, Lord of Sukhumi. He had issue:

�        b) Tulakh Shirvashidze. He left issue (the Princes Shirvashidze-Tulaqipa of Otkara).


1700 - 1730 Jigetshi Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia. He d. before 1730, having had issue, two sons:

�        1) Hamid Bey Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia - see below.

�        2) Inal Bey Shirvashidze, Lord of Gulisti. He left issue (the Princes Shirvashidze-Inalipa of Gulisti).


1730 - 17xx Hamid Bey Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia, eldest son of Jigetshi Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia. Installed as ruler of Abkhazia, 1730. He had issue, two sons:

�        1) Mancha I Shirvashidze [Manuchar Bey], Prince of Abkhazia - see below.

�        2) Levanti Shirvashidze [Muhammad Pasha], Prince of Abkhazia - see below.


17xx - 1757 Mancha I Shirvashidze [Manuchar Bey], Prince of Abkhazia, eldest son of Hamid Bey Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia. Succeeded on the death of his father. Banished by the Sultan of Turkey during the middle of the eighteen century, 1757. He d. after 1757, having had issue, three sons:

�        1) H.H. Mancha II Shirvashidze [Manuchir Bey], Prince of Abkhazia - see below.

�        2) General Shirvan Bey Shirvashidze. Banished, with his father and brothers, but later entered the Turkish service and rose to high rank. He had issue:

�        a) Bekir Bey Shirvashidze, Lord of Shuasopeli. m. a lady from the Antchabadze family (m. second, H.H. Kelesh-Ahmad Bey Shirvashidze [Kelem Bey], Prince of Abkhazia - see below). He had issue:

�       i) Soslan Bey Shirvashidze. b. before 1811. He had issue, two sons:

�       (1) Prince Alexander Soslanovitch Shirvashidze ['Ali Bey], Lord of Shuasopeli. m. Princess Kessaria Nikolaievna, youngest daughter of Major-General H.E. Prince Nikolaoz Dadiani [Nikolai Giorgievitch Dadianov], Lord of Kurdzu, sometime Ambassador to Russia, by his wife, Princess Mariami, daughter of Prince Rustam Eristov, of Guria. He d. 1833, having had issue:

�      (a) Princess Adil Begum. m. 1849, H.S.H. Prince Konstantini Dadeshkeliani, Prince of Svania (b. 1827; k. by the Russians, 5th November 1858), eldest son of H.S.H. Prince Nikolaoz [Tsiokh Bey] Dadeshkeliani, Prince of Svania - see Georgia (Svania).

�       (2) Kuchuk Bey, Lord of Galisga.

�        3) H.H. Zurab Shirvashidze [Suraba Bey], Prince of Abkhazia - see below.


17xx - 1770 H.H. Mancha II Shirvashidze [Manuchir Bey], Prince of Abkhazia, eldest son of Mancha I Shirvashidze [Manuchar Bey], Prince of Abkhazia. Succeeded on the death of his father. He had issue:

�        1) H.H. Kelesh-Ahmad Bey Shirvashidze [Kelem Bey], Prince of Abkhazia - see below.

�        2) Prince Bakar Bey Shirvashidze.

�        3) A son, who had issue:

�        a) Kuchuk Bey Chachba. Cdt. of the Fortress of Poti 1808-1811. He had issue, a daughter:

�       i) Asma Khanum. m. H.H. Prince Aslan Bey Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia, second son of H.H. Kelesh-Ahmad Bey Shirvashidze [Kelem Bey], Prince of Abkhazia. She d. 1825 - see below.


1770 - 1779 H.H. Zurab Shirvashidze [Suraba Bey], Prince of Abkhazia, youngest son of Mancha I Shirvashidze [Manuchar Bey], Prince of Abkhazia. Banished, with his father and brothers, by the Sultan of Turkey 1757. Joined his brother in the revolt against Turkish rule, and was deposed, 1779.


1779 - 1789 H.H. Levanti Shirvashidze [Muhammad Pasha], Prince of Abkhazia. Rebelled against the Turks, 1771. Converted to Christianity, taking the name, Levanti.


1789 - 1806 H.H. Kelesh-Ahmad Bey Shirvashidze [Kelem Bey], Prince of Abkhazia. b. 1747, educ. Constantinople. Banished, with his father and brothers, by the Sultan of Turkey 1757. Entered Mingrelia and seized the Heir Apparent, Levanti Dadiani 1802. m. (first) at Sukhumi, ca. 1771 (div. 1789), a lady from the Ziapsh-Ipa family of Gumasti. m. (second) Leiba Khanum, a lady from the Mgudzrikhva family. m. (third) Rabia Begum, a lady from the Marshania family of Tselebi. m. (fourth), a lady from the Antchabadze damily, widow of his cousin, Bekir Bey Shirvashidze, Lord of Shuasopeli. He was k. at the Fortress of Sukhumi, 2nd May 1806 o.s., having had issue, at least ten sons:

�        1) Prince Khalil Bey.

�        2) H.H. Prince Aslan Bey Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia (s/o the Zjapsh-Ipa lady) - see below.

�        3) H.S.H. Prince Giorgi Shirvashidze [Safar 'Ali Bey], Prince of Abkhazia - see below.

�        4) Prince Batal Bey Shirvashidze [Batam-teer]. He d. after 1835.

�        5) Prince Hasan Bey Shirvashidze, Lord of Tsebelda and Kelassur. m. (first) a lady from the Shirvashidze-Inalipa family of Gulisti. m. (second) a daughter of Narchuk, an Abkhazi lord. He had issue:

�        a) Prince Demetre Shirvashidze [Saud Bey]. Converted to the Christian faith and was baptised with the name of Dimitri, 1838. m. at the Chapel of Sukhumi Fortress, 1838, H.S.H. Princess Kethavan [Ekaterina Levanovna] (d. before 1839), younger daughter of Major-General H.H. The Pious Prince of High Rank Levanti V Dadiani, Duke of Dukes of Mingrelia, etc. He d. 1858, having had issue:

�        6) Prince Tatar Bey Shirvashidze.

�        7) Prince Rustam Bey Shirvashidze. m. 1823, H.S.H. Princess Kethavan (b. 1792), widow of Manuchar Shirvashidze, Prince of Bedia, and eldest daughter of His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Grigol [Gregori] VI Dadiani, Duke of Dukes of Mingrelia, by his second wife, H.H. The Most Brilliant Princess Nina, third daughter of H.M. The Most Serene King Giorgi XII, King of Georgia.

�        8) Prince Sulaiman Bey Shirvashidze. He was k. at Sukhumi, by Aslan Bey, 1808.

�        9) Prince Mahmud Bey Shirvashidze, Prince of Samuzaqano (cre. 1813). He had issue, a son:

�        a) Prince Levanti Shirvashidze. He had issue:

�        10) Prince Sekir Bey Shirvashidze. He d. after 1811.

�        1) Rustam Khanum. She was k. at Sukhumi, by Aslan Bey, 1808.


1806 - 1810 H.H. Prince Aslan Bey Shirvashidze, Prince of Abkhazia. Succeeded on the death of his father, 2nd May 1806 (confirmed by the Sultan of Turkey). Accused by the Russians of patricide. Fled to Turkey when the Russian army stormed and captured the citadel at Sukhumi, 10th June 1810. Returned in 1821 and seized most of the country, excepting Sukhumi and other Russian occupied forts. Forced to retreat into Turlish territory by the Russians, August 1824. m. (first) Giachba [Gech], a princess from the Sadzian [Zhigetian] family. m. (second) Dido (d. 1809). m. (third) at Sukhumi, 1809, Asma Khanum (d. 1825), daughter of his cousin, Kuchuk Bey Chachba, cdt. of the Fortress of Poti. He may have left issue in Turkey?


1810 - 1821 General H.S.H. Prince Giorgi Shirvashidze [Safar 'Ali Bey], Prince of Abkhazia. Encouraged by the Regent of Mingrelia to rebel against his borther, he signed a petition for protection from Russia 12th August 1808. Recognised by the Emperor of Russia as the hereditary prince of the Abkhazian domains, under Russian protection, 17th February 1810. Proclaimed at Sukhumi, 10th June 1810. Converted to Christianity and baptised into the Orthodox faith under the name of Giorgi 1810. Col. Russian service. Rcvd: Knt. of the Order of St Anne 1st class of Russia. m. before May 1808, H.S.H. Princess Thamar (b. 1790; d. 1st March 1818 o.s.), second daughter of H.H. Katsia II Dadiani, Duke of Dukes of Mingrelia. He was k. by his brother Hassan Bey, at Sukhumi, 7th February (or 13th November) 1821, having had issue, four sons and six daughters:

�        1) H.S.H. Prince Dimitri Giorgievitch Shirvashidze [Umar Bey], Prince of Abkhazia (s/o Thamar) - see below.

�        2) H.S.H. Prince Mikhail Giorgievitch Shirvashidze [Hamid Bey], Prince of Abkhazia (s/o Thamar) - see below.

�        3) Prince Konstantin Giorgievitch Shirvashidze. b. 1811. m. Princess Natalia, n�e d'Enloy de la Garde. He d. 1866, having had issue:

�        4) Prince Alexander Giorgievitch Shirvashidze. He had issue:

�        1) Princess Maria. m. Prince Eristov.

�        2) Princess Elisaveta. m. Prince Dadiani of Mingrelia.

�        3) Princess Rusudan. m. Prince Marshania of Tselebi.

�        4) Princess Ekaterina. m. Prince Marshania of Tselebi.

�        5) Princess Anna. m. Prince Tsulukidze.

�        6) Princess Nina. m. Prince Gurieli.


1821 - 1822 Colonel H.S.H. Prince Dimitri Giorgievitch Shirvashidze [Umar Bey], Prince of Abkhazia, educ. Corps de Pages, St Petersburg. Col. Russian service. Converted to Christianity and baptised into the Orthodox faith under the name of Dimitri. Succeeded on the death of his father, 7th February (or 13th November) 1821. He was k. (poisoned) at Lykhny, 16th October 1822.


1822 - 1864 Lieutenant-General H.S.H. Prince Mikhail Giorgievitch Shirvashidze [Hamid Bey], Prince of Abkhazia. Succeeded on the death of his elder brother, 16th October 1822. Converted to Christianity and baptised into the Orthodox faith under the name of Mikhail. Installed at Sukhumi fortress, 14th February 1823. Deposed by the Russians and his principality annexed to the Russian Empire, 24th June 1864. Deported to Voronezh, November 1864. m. (first) before 1845, H.S.H. Princess Menika [Maria Nikolaevna], former wife of Prince Tsereteli or Tsulukidze, and only child of Prince Niko Giorgievitch Dadiani of Mingrelia, Chief of Police at Javari. m. (second) 1846, H.S.H. Princess Alexandra Giorgievna (b. 1829; d. 1898), eldest daughter of Captain-Lieutenant Prince Giorgi Nikolaevitch Dadiani, of Mingrelia, by his wife, Princess Varvara, daughter of Prince Dadeshkeliani of Svaneti. He d. at Voronezh, April 1866 (bur. Sukhumi), having had issue, three sons and four daughters:

�        1) Prince Nikolai Mikhailovitch Shirvashidze. He d. young.

�        2) H.S.H. Prince Giorgi Mikhailovitch, Prince of Abkhazia - see below.

�        3) H.S.H. Prince Mikhail Mikhailovitch Shirvashidze. Granted the personal style of His Serene Highness by Imperial ukase 21st August 1834. He d. 1899.

�        1) Princess Ana. m. ca. 1836, Prince Giorgi Levanovitch Gurieli (k. during the siege of St Nicholas Fort, 15th/16th November 1853), 2nd-Lieut. Russian Army, eldest son of Prince Levanti Gurieli, by his wife, Princess Elizabed, daughter of Prince Antchabazde. She had issue, one son - see Georgia (Guria).

�        2) Princess Nino Mikhailovna. m. Prince Marshania of Tselebi [Shereem Bey]. She d. 1867.

�        3) H.S.H. Princess Tamara Mikhailovna. b. at Lykhny, Abkhazia, 1846. m. 1860, Prince Nikolai Elizbarovitch Dadiani (b. at Chkhepi, 1829; d. 22nd January 1879 o.s.), sometime Capt-Lieut. Russian service, only son of Prince Elizbar Giorgievitch Dadiani, Chief Justice of Mingrelia and Mbr. of the Committee of Govt., by his wife, Princess Sophia Paatovna, daughter of Prince Paata Tzulukidze. She d. at Tiflis, 1926, having had issue, one son and three daughters - see Georgia (Mingrelia).

�        4) Princess Varvara [Barba] Mikhailovna. b. at Lichni, Abkhazia, 22nd July 1859. Maid of Honour to the Empress of Russia. m. at St Petersburg, 3rd June 1907, as his second wife, H.E. Baron Alexander Felixovitch von Mayendorff (b. at Baden-Baden, 10th April 1869; d.s.p. at London, 20th February 1964), of Klein-Roop, educ. St Petersburg Univ., civil servant 1893-1907, Mbr. Duma 1907-1917, Vice-Presdt. of the Duma, Senator of the Empire 1917-1918, went into exile in Latvia 1918-1919, emigrated to the UK 1919, Reader in Russian Institutional Politics at the LSE 1922-1934, youngest son of Baron Friedrich Adeldagus Felix von Mayendorff, Russian diplomatic service, by his wife, Princess Olga Michaelovna, daughter of General of Artillery H.H.E. Prince Mikael Dimitrievitch Gortchakov, sometime Viceroy of Poland and Adj-Gen. to the Emperor of Russia. She d.s.p. 27th March 1946.


1866  H.S.H. Prince Giorgi Mikhailovitch, Prince of Abkhazia. b. 1846, educ. Corps of Pages, St Petersburg. ADC to Grand Duke Mikhail 1866. Granted the personal style of His Serene Highness by Imperial ukase 21st August 1834. Proclaimed at Sukhumi, by the people after an uprising against the Russians, 29th July 1866. Arrested and deported to Orenburg.


Di�er aileler ile akrabal�klar i�in bak�n�z:



Chikovani Gerbi




Dadiani Gerbi



1728 - 1744 His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Otia IV Dadiani, Duke of Dukes of Mingrelia, eldest son of His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Bejan I Dadiani, Duke of Dukes of Mingrelia, by his wife, Her Splendour The Pious Princess of High Rank Thamar, n�e Gelovani. Succeeded on the death of his father, 1728. m. 1717, Her Splendour The Pious Princess of High Rank Gulkhana Dadiani, elder daughter of His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Koshita III Chkeidze, Duke of Radsha, by his first wife, H.H. The Most Brilliant Princess Marami, elder daughter of H.M. The Most High King Aleksandri IV, King of Imereti. He d. 1744, having had issue, four sons and one daughter:

�        1) His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Katsia V Otia Dadiani, Duke of Dukes of Mingrelia - see below.

�        2) His Beatitude Prince Antoni Otia Dadiani. Bishop of Tsangeri, and Archbishop of Chqondidel as Gavril III 1777-1788. He d. November 1799 (bur. Chqondidel Cathedral).

�        3) Prince Giorgi Otia Dadiani, Lord of Nokhshi. m. (first) Princess Mari Dadiani, n�e Abashidze (d. 1788). m. (second) after 1752, H.M. The Most High Queen Thamar [Thaba], widow of H.M. The Most High King Aleksandri V, King of Imereti and Amiereti, and eldest daughter of His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Levanti Abashidze, sometime Governor and Regent of Imereti. He d. 15th December 1799, having had issue, two sons and three daughters:

�        a) Prince Giorgi Giorgi Dadiani. m. Princess Mariami Dadiani, daughter of Prince Abashidze. He d. 13th December 1822.

�        b) Major-General H.E. Prince Nichola Giorgi Dadiani [Nikolai Georgievitch Dadianov] "Bolshoi Niko", Lord of Kurdzu. b. 1764. Ambassador to Russia 1805-1806, Maj-Gen. Russian Army, served in the Russo-Turkish wars of 1806-1812 & 1828-1829. An eminent author and historian. Rcvd: Knt. of the Order of St Anne 1st class (1729). m. (first) Princess Mariami Dadiani (d. 1802), daughter of His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Rustami Shervashidze, Duke in Guria. m. (second) Princess Kethevan Dadiani, daughter of Prince Marshania. He d. 1834, having had issue, five sons and two daughters (ancestor of the Kurdzu branch of the family):

�       i) Prince Giorgi Nichola Dadiani. b. 1795. Staff Capt. 1865. m. Princess Varvara Dadiani (b. 1804), daughter of Prince Islam Dadeshkeliani, of Svania. He d. 1883, having had issue, three sons and two daughters:

�       (1) Prince Davit Giorgi Dadiani. b. 1830. Ensign 1865. m. Princess Babilina Dadiani (b. 1845), daughter of Prince Giorgi Gurieli. He d. 1907, having had issue, one son and two daughters:

�      (a) Prince Nikolaoz [Jvebe] Davit Dadiani. b. 1860. m. Princess Mariami Dadiani, n�e Dadeshkeliani.

�      (a) Princess Nino [Tsutsu] Dadiani. b. 1858. m. Prince Nikolaoz Konstantini Dadiani (b. 1855; k. by the Bolsheviks, during the Russian Revolution), sometime Senator, eldest son of Prince Konstantini Katsia Dadiani, by his wife, Princess Kesaria, second daughter of Prince Simoni Sharvashidze, of the Guria. She had issue, one son - see below.

�      (b) Princess Barbara [Bachua] Dadiani. b. 1858. unm?

�       (2) Prince Antoni Giorgi Dadiani. b. 1835. m. Princess Ekaterina [Eka] Dadiani (b. 1840), daughter of Prince Kaikushru Tsulukidze. He had issue, four sons and one daughter:

�      (a) Prine Teimurazi Antoni Dadiani. b. 1859. He d.s.p.

�      (b) Prine Giorgi Antoni Dadiani. b. 1861. He d.s.p.

�      (c) Prince Mikeli Antoni Dadiani. Copyright� Christopher Buyers

�      (d) Prince Konstantini Antoni Dadiani. He had issue, a son:

�      (i) Prince Davit Konstantini Dadiani.

�      (e) Princess Kekela Dadiani.

�       (3) Prince Konstantini Giorgi Dadiani. b. 1845. m. Princess Elena Dadiani (b. 1855; d. 1894), daughter of Prince Otar Dadeshkeliani, of Svania. He d. 1903, having had issue, two sons and two daughters:

�      (a) Prince Ioani [Mouchni] Konstantini Dadiani. b. 1874. m. Princess Ekaterina Dadiani (b. 1881; d. 1966), n�e Dzhidzhikia. He was k. by the Bolcheviks during the Russian revolution, 1924, having had issue, two sons and one daughter:

�      (i) Prince Konstantini Ioani Dadiani. b. 1912. He d. 1972, having had issue:

�     1. Djemal Konstantini Dadiani. b. 1937. He d. 1990, having had issue, two sons:

�     a. Paata Djemal Dadiani. He has issue, a son and a daughter:

�    i. Irakli Paata Dadiani

�    i. Rusudan Dadiani.

�     b. Giorgi Dadiani.

�     1. Tamara Dadiani.

�     2. Nana Dadiani. b. ca. 1949.

�      (ii) Prince Giorgi Ioani Dadiani. b. 1914. He d. 1969, having had issue, one son:

�     1. Davit Giorgi Dadiani. b. 1939.

�      (i) Princess Elena Dadiani. b. 1916. She d. 1932.

�      (b) Prince Davit Otar Konstantini Dadiani. b. 1892. m. Princess Lili Dadiani (b. 1897; d. 1957), n�e Marshania. He was k. by the Bolcheviks during the Russian revolution, 1924, having had issue, two sons and two daughters:

�      (i) Prince Shota Davit Dadiani. b. 1919. He d. 1979.

�      (ii) Prince Tsotne Davit Dadiani. b. 1924. He d. 1973, having had issue:

�     1. Princes Tengiz Tsotne Dadiani. b. 1961. He has issue, two daughters:

�     a. Princess Saloma Dadiani. b. 1991.

�     b. Princess Elena Dadiani. b. 1992.

�     1. Princess Maia Dadiani. b. 1957.

�     2. Princess Kethevan Dadiani. b. 1959.

�      (i) Princess Barbara [Babo] Dadiani. b. 1912. She d. 1978.

�      (ii) Princess Tinatina Dadiani. b. 1917.

�      (a) Princess Nino. b. 1878. m. Prince Tatarkhan Anchabadze. She d. 1919.

�      (b) Princess Ana [Goshe] Dadiani. b. 1885. m. 1905, Prince Petri Besarioni Dadiani (b. 1862; d. 1935), son of Prince Besarioni [Besa] Aleqsi Dadiani, by his wife, Princess Nino. She d. 1975, having had issue, two sons and one daughter - see above. Copyright� Christopher Buyers

�       (1) H.S.H. Princess Aleksandra [Tsutsu]. b. 1829. m. 1846, as his second wife, Lieutenant-General H.S.H. Prince Mikeli Giorgi Shervashidze [Hamid Bey], Prince of Abkhazia (b. 18o6; d. at Voronezh, Russia, April 1866, bur. Sukhumi, Abkhazia), second son of General H.S.H. Prince Giorgi Shervashidze [Safar 'Ali Bey], Prince of Abkhazia, by his wife, H.S.H. Princess Thamar, second daughter of His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Katsia II Dadiani, Duke of Dukes of Mingrelia. She d. 1898 - see Georgia (Abkhazia).

�       (2) H.Il.H. Princess Mariami [Maia] Dadiani. b. 1841. m. Lieutenant-General H.Il.H. Prince Konstantini Dadiani (b. 18th October 1819 o.s.; d. 25th April 1889), third son of H.H. Prince Levanti V Dadiani, Duke of Dukes of Mingrelia, by his wife, H.H. Princess Marfa, youngest daughter of Major-General His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Zurab Tsereteli, sometime Lord Chamberlain of the Court of Imereti. She d. 1922 - see below.

�       ii) Prince Aleksandri Nichola Dadiani.

�       iii) Prince Besarioni Nichola Dadiani. b. 1810. Lieut. (retd.) 1865. m. Princess Evdukia Dadiani (b. 1810). He had issue, one son and three daughters:

�       (1) Prince Niko Besarioni Dadiani. b. 1830. Chief of Police of Zugdidi in 1857. m. Princess Salomea Nino Dadiani (b. 1835), daughter of Prince Katsia Chichua. He had issue, three sons and one daughter:

�      (a) Prince Giorgi Niko Dadiani. b. 1855. m. Princess Margareta [Tsitsino] Dadiani (b. 1859), elder daughter of Prince Tarieli [Taia] Aleksandri Dadiani, by his first wife, Princess Sopio, daughter of Prince Levanti Shervashidze, of the Guria.

�      (b) Prince Demeter Niko Dadiani. b. 1862.

�      (c) Prince Aleksandri [Kviti] Niko Dadiani. b. 1864. m. Princess Nino Dadiani (b. 1868), younger daughter of Prince Tarieli [Taia] Dadiani, by his second wife, Princess Agrafina  (Countess von Zarnekau), daughter of Prince Konstantini Japaridze. He had issue, two sons and four daughters:

�      (i) Prince Mikeli Aleksandri Dadiani. b. 1892. m. Princess Iunone Dadiani (b. 1895; d. 1981), elder daughter of Prince Aleksandri [Telemak] Davit Gurieli, by his wife, Princess Nino, daughter of Simoni Beridze. He d. 1938, having had issue, two sons and one daughter:

�     1. Prince Davit Mikeli Dadiani. b. 1912. He d. 1968, having had issue, two sons:

�     a. Mikeli Davit Dadiani. He has issue:

�    i. Iunona Dadiani.

�     b. Giorgi Davit Dadiani. He has issue, a daughter:

�    i. Olgha Dadiani.

�     2. Prince Aleksandri Mikeli Dadiani. b. 1917. He d. 1988.

�     1. Princess Leila Dadiani. b. 1918.

�      (ii) Prince Giorgi Aleksandri Dadiani. b. 1906. He d. 1982, having had issue, two sons:

�     1. Archili Giorgi Dadiani. b. 1938. He had issue, a daughter:

�     a. Sopio Dadiani. b. 1971.

�     2. Revaz Giorgi Dadiani. b. 1946. He had issue, one son and one daughter:

�     a. Giorgi Revaz Dadiani. b. 1975.

�     a. Elena Dadiani. b. 1972.

�      (i) Princess Mariami Dadiani. Copyright� Christopher Buyers

�      (ii) Princess Thamar Dadiani.

�      (iii) Princess Elena. b. 1891. m. Prince Grigori Aleqsi Anchabadze. She d. 1979.

�      (iv) Princess Kethevan Dadiani. b. 1892. She d. 1978.

�      (a) Princess Mariami. b. 1859. m. Prince Varlam Mikeli Eristavi-Gurieli [Shirvashidze] (b. 1848), fifth son of Prince Mikeli Kaikushru Eristavi-Gurieli, by his wife, Princess Elizabed, younger daughter of Prince Otia Giorgi Dadiani, of Mingrelia. She had issue, one son and one daughter.

�       (1) Princess Zaida [Pupi]. m. Prince Davit Simoni Agiashvili (b. 1840), second son of Prince Simoni Davit Agiashvili, by his wife, Princess Natalia, daughter of Prince Grigori Tsereteli. She d. before 1865.

�       (2) Princess Daria. m. 1855, Prince Solomoni Vato Pagava (b. 1820; d. 1867), son of Prince Vato Pagava. She d. 1860, having had issue, two sons and two daughters.

�       (3) Princess Kesaria. b. 1850. m. Prince Mikeli Giorgi Lordkipanidze (b. 1831).

�       iv) Prince Petri Nichola Dadiani. b. 1812. 2nd-Lieut. 1857, Lieut. 1865. Presdt. Supreme Tribunal of Justice in Mingrelia. m. Princess Mariami [Marika] Dadiani, daughter of Prince Davit Gurieli, by his wife, Princess Elena, third daughter of His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Grigol VI Dadiani, Duke of Dukes of Mingrelia. He had issue, two sons:

�       (1) Prince Aleksandri Petri Dadiani. b. 1843. Cornet of Cav. 1865. m. Princess Kethevan Dadiani (b. 1849), daughter of Prince Davit Tsereteli. He had issue, one son and three daughters:

�      (a) Prince Davit Alekandri Dadiani. b. 1874. m. Princess Pelagia [Pashi] Dadiani (d. 1966), daughter of Prince Qaramani Dgebuadze. He d. 1917, having had issue, two sons and two daughters:

�      (i) Prince Simoni [Kuchuchia] Davit Dadiani. b. 1904. m. Princess Nateli Dadiani (b. 1905; d. 1968), n�e Alakidze. He d. 1943, having had issue, two sons and two daughters:

�     1. Davit [Kukuri] Simoni Dadiani. b. 1924. He had issue, one son and one daughter:

�     a. Zviadi Davit Dadiani. b. 1951. He has issue, a son:

�    i. Davit Zviadi Dadiani. b. 1983.

�     b. Manana Dadiani. b. 1953.

�     2. Vladimir Simoni Dadiani. b. 1926. He had issue, two daughters:

�     a. Natela Dadiani. b. 1969.

�     b. Maia Dadiani. b. 1971.

�     1. Meri Dadiani. b. 1930.

�     2. Tsiala Dadiani. b. 1932.

�      (ii) Prince Suliko Davit Dadiani.

�      (i) Princess Kethevan Dadiani. She d. 1948.

�      (ii) Princess Nina. b. 1912. m. Prince Vladimir Taraso Anchabadze (b. 1894; d. 1990).

�      (a) Princess Olgha. b. 1869. m. Prince Simoni Vachnadze (b. 1859), son of Prince Simoni Vachnadze. She d.s.p. 1940.

�      (b) Princess Nino. m. 1903 (div.) Prince Vladimir Nestori Dadiani (b. 1883; m. second, Princess Nino Shervashidze, and d. 1937), elder son of Prince Nestori Archili Dadiani, of the Nakalakorsky branch, by his wife, Princess Nino, n�e Anchabadze. She had issue, two sons - see above.

�      (b) Princess Mariami. m. Prince Vladimir Lortkipanidze.

�       (2) Prince Levanti Petri Dadiani. b. 1848. m. Princess Kekela Dadiani (b. 1860), daughter of Prince Levanti Manuchari Dadiani, by his second wife. He d. 1911, having had issue, five sons:

�      (a) Prince Konstantini [Koki] Levanti Dadiani. He d. 1933.

�      (b) Prince Aleksandri [Kakinia] Levanti Dadiani. m. Princess Barbara Dadiani (d. 1942), daughter of Prince Varden Asatiani. He had issue, five daughters:

�      (i) Princess Valentina Dadiani. b. 1916. She d. 1941.

�      (ii) Princess Mavra Dadiani. b. 1918.

�      (iii) Princess Nino Dadiani. b. 1920.

�      (iv) Princess Venera [Guguli] Dadiani. b. 1922.

�      (v) Princess Kethevan Dadiani. b. 1930.

�      (c) Prince Khotou Levanti Dadiani. b. 1890. m. Princess Lili Dadiani, daughter of daughter of Prince Qaramani Dgebuadze. He d. 1941.

�      (d) Prince Varden Levanti Dadiani. b. 1888. He d. 1932, having had issue, two sons:

�      (i) Prince Jondi Dadiani. b. 1921.

�      (ii) Prince Bachua Dadiani. b. 1924. He d. 1967.

�      (e) Prince Nikolaoz Levanti Dadiani. b. 1895. He d. 1921.

�       i) Prince Paul Nichola Dadiani. b. 1820. m. Princess Elizabed [Lisa] Dadiani (b. 1825), daughter of Prince Bakhuta Nakashidze, by his wife, Princess Anastazia [Atato] Nakashidze, daughter of Prince Ioani Abashidze.

�       ii) Princess Kesaria. b. 1803. m. ca. 1817, Prince Aleksandri Bekir Shervashidze ['Ali Bey], of Shuasopeli (d. 1833), second son of Bekir Bey Shervashidze, of Shuasopeli. She d. after 1864, having had issue, three sons and two daughters - see Georgia (Abkhazia).

�       iii) Princess Kethevan [Batu]. m. Prince Davit Vakhtang Gurieli (b. 1st November 1802; d. 19th November 1856), elder son of His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Vakhtang II Gurieli, Duke of the Guria, by his wife, Her Splendour The Pious Princess of High Rank Mariami, daughter of Major-General H.E. Prince Demeter Qaplanishvili-Orbeliani, by his wife, Princess Ana, daughter of Garsevan Irubakidze, Prince of Satcholokao, Murav of Pshaves, Khevsurs and Taneti. She d. 1884, having had issue, nine sons and three daughters - see Georgia (Guria).

�        a) Princess Nina. m. 1779, �She d. at Zugdidi, Mingrelia,  1790.

�        b) Her Splendour The Pious Princess of High Rank Princess Thamar (d/o Queen Thamar). m. Major-General His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Zurab Tsereteli (b. 1747; d. 28th January 1823 o.s., bur. Shio Mghvimi Monastery), sometime Lord Chamberlain of the Court of Imereti, younger son of His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Kaikhushru Tsereteli, Prince of Satseretlo. She d. 23rd February 1823 (bur. St George's Monastery, Djruchi), having had issue, five sons and four daughters.

�        c) Princess Kethevan [Kekela]. m. Prince Simoni Kaikushru Agiashvili (d. 1841), son of Prince Kaikushru Agiashvili. She had issue, four sons. Copyright� Christopher Buyers

�        4) Prince Nikolai Dadiani. Lord of Jvary and Chkhepi. He had issue, one son and two daughters:

�        a) Prince Giorgi Nikolaoz Dadiani. Exiled to Russia in 1804. m. Princess Mariami Dadiani, n�e Abashidze. He d. 1822, having had issue, four sons:

�       i) Prince Nikolaoz [Niko] Giorgi Dadiani. Chief of Police at Jvari in 1857. m. Princess Eva Dadiani, n�e Chikovani. He had issue, a daughter:

�       (1) H.S.H. Princess Menika. b. 1810. m. (first) Prince Giorgi Simoni Tsereteli (b. 1804). m. (second) ca. 1831, Lieutenant-General H.S.H. Prince Mikeli Giorgi Shervashidze [Hamid Bey], Prince of Abkhazia (b. 1806; d. at Voronezh, April 1866, bur. Sukhumi), second son of General H.S.H. Prince Giorgi Shervashidze [Safar 'Ali Bey], Prince of Abkhazia, by his wife, H.S.H. Princess Thamar, second daughter of His Splendour The Pious Prince of High Rank Katsia II Dadiani, Duke of Dukes of Mingrelia. She had issue, at least one daughter by her second husband - see Georgia (Abkhazia).

�       ii) Prince Vamekhi [Valikhovi] Giorgi Dadiani. m. Princess Ekaterina Dadiani (b. 1804). He d. 1858, having had issue:

�       (1) Prince Giorgi Valikhovi Dadiani. b. 1825. Lieut. m. 1854, Princess Martha Dadiani (b. 1830), fourth daughter of Prince Giorgi Zaali Eristavi-Gurieli. He had issue, three sons and four daughters:

�      (a) Prince Antoni Giorgi Dadiani. b. 1857. m. Princess Maiko Dadiani, daughter of Prince Zurab Giorgi Abashidze, by his wife, Princess Sopio Abashidze, daughter of Prince Bejan Tsereteli. He d. 1915, having had issue, two sons and three daughters:

�      (i) Prince Giorgi Antoni Dadiani. m. � He had issue, two sons:

�     1. Revaz Giorgi Dadiani. b. 1925.

�     2. Antoni Giorgi Dadiani. b. 1928.

�      (ii) Prince Davit Antoni Dadiani.

�      (i) Princess Barbara Dadiani. b. 1890. She d. 1979.

�      (ii) Princess Amanda Dadiani. Copyright� Christopher Buyers

�      (iii) Princess Meri Dadiani. b. 1900. She d. 1991.

�      (b) Prince Davit Giorgi Dadiani. b. 1864.

�      (c) Prince Konstantini Giorgi Dadiani. b. 1866. m. Princess Kethevan Dadiani, daughter of Prince Inalipa [Inal-Ipa]. He had issue, one son:

�      (i) Prince Viktor Konstantini Dadiani. b. 1913.

�      (a) Princess Despina Dadiani. b. 1855.

�      (b) Princess Olgha Dadiani. b. 1859.

�      (c) Princess Maria Dadiani. b. 1861.

�      (d) Princess Ana Dadiani. b. 1862.

�       (2) Prince Ilya Valikhovi Dadiani. b. 1827. m. Princess Melitona Dadiani (b. 1820), daughter of Prince Simoni Tskheidze. He d. before 1865.

�       (3) Prince Aleksandri Vamekhi Dadiani. b. 1835. Volunteer in the Mingrelia Militia and served in the Crimean War. m. 1872, Princess Mate Dadiani, daughter of Prince Rustami Tsereteli. He d. 1878, having had issue, one daughter:

�      (a) Princess Ana [Anita]. b. 1873. m. Prince Dadeshkeliani. She d. 1922.

�       (4) Prince Levanti Vamekhi Dadiani. b. 1837. m. Princess Anaztasia [Tassia] Dadiani (b. 1840), daughter of Prince Eristavi. He d.s.p.

�       (1) Princess Pupi Dadiani. b. 1825. Copyright� Christopher Buyers

�       (2) Princess Mariami. b. 1840. m. Prince Davit Giorgi Chuchua (b. 1839).

�       (3) Princess Kesaria Dadiani. b. 1844. m. Prince Ioani Elizbari Dadiani (b. 1837), fourth son of H.E. Prince Elizbari Giorgi Dadiani, sometime Chief Justice of Mingrelia, by his wife, Princess Sopio, daughter of Prince Paata Tzulukidze. He had issue, two sons and one daughter - see above.

�       iii) H.E. Prince Elizbari Giorgi Dadiani. b. at Chkhepi, 1800. Capt-Lieut. of Militia 1857, Chief Justice of Mingrelia, Mbr. of the Committee of Govt. after the annexation. m. Princess Sopio [Sofia] Dadiani (b. 1812), daughter of Prince Paata Tzulukidze. He d. 1863, having had issue:

�       (1) Prince Nikolaoz Elizbari Dadiani. b. at Chkhepi, 1829. Sometime Staff Capt. Russian service. m. 1860, Princess Thamar Dadiani (b. at Lykhny, Abkhazia, 1846; m. second, Prince Azhvebe Pagava, and d. at Tbilisi, Kartli, 1926), daughter of Lieutenant-General H.S.H. Prince Mikeli Giorgi Shervashidze [Hamid Bey], Prince of Abkhazia, by his first wife, H.S.H. Princess Menika, daughter of Prince Niko Giorgi Dadiani. He d. 22nd January 1879 o.s., having had issue, one son and three daughters:

�      (a) Prince Nikolaoz [Koki] Dadiani. b. posthumously, at Zkhemi, 19th February 1879. Marshal of the Nobility of Senakhi 1903-1917. Emigrated to France 1921. m. (first) 17th January 1897 o.s., Princess Nino Dadiani (b. at Tzilori, 1882; d. Chkhepi, 6th April 1905 o.s.), daughter of Prince Mikeli Mikeladze, by whom he had issue, three sons and two daughters. m. (second) at Tbilisi, Kartli, 11th February 1911 o.s., Princess Mariami [Meri] Dadiani (b. at Tbilisi, Kartli, 1880; d. at Paris, France, 7th April 1968, bur. Leuville-sur-Orge, Essonne), daughter of Prince Simoni Demeter Tsereteli, by his wife, Princess Anastasia, daughter of Prince Avalishvili, by whom he had issue, two sons and one daughter. He d. at Paris, France, 11th April 1939 (bur. Leuville-sur-Orge, Essonne), having had issue, five sons and three daughters:

�      (i) Prince Michael [Mikeli Nikolaoz] Dadiani. b. at Kutaisi, Imereti, 22nd March 1899 o.s. (s/o Princess Nino). Capt. 14th Lancers Polish service in 1923. m. at Paris, France, 4th June 1942, Princess Tinatina [Tina] Dadiani (b. at Tbilisi, Kartli, 28th December 1908; d. at Arlington, Virginia, USA, January 1980), daughter of Jean Gomartelly, by his wife, Ellena, n�e Tatishvili. He d. at Arlington, Virginia, USA, August 1974, having had issue, one son and one daughter:

�     1. Prince Tsotney John Dadiani. b. at Naples, Italy, 2nd July 1945.

�     1. Princess Nino Laiso Dadiani. b. 13th March 1947.

�      (ii) Prince Nicholas [Bondo] Dadiani. b. at Zkhemi, Georgia, 12th October 1902 o.s. (s/o Princess Nino). m. (first) at Kutaisi, Imereti, 5th February 1923, Princess Thamar Dadiani, daughter of Prince Eristov. m. (second) at Kutaisi, Imereti, 29th October 1933, Princess Thamar Dadiani, n�e Kordzaia. He d. 1981, having had issue, a daughter:

�     1. Princess Malvina Dadiani. b. at Kutaisi, Imereti, 6th August 1924 (d/o Thamar Eristavi).

�     2. Princess Thamar [Tatuli] Dadiani. b. 1935.

�      (iii) Prince Demeter [Demna] Dadiani. b. at Zkhemi, Georgia, 6th April 1905 (s/o Princess Nino). He d. at Tbilisi, Kartli, 27th April 1979, having had issue, a daughter:

�     1. Princess Thamar Dadiani.

�      (iv) Prince George [Georgi Nikolaievitch] Dadiani. b. at Tbilisi, Kartli, 3rd February 1912 o.s. (s/o Princess Marie). m. at New York, USA, 8th January 1938, Princess Lucy Dadiani (b. at New York, USA, 8th August 1912; d. at Paris, France, 1989, bur. Leuville-sur-Orge, Essonne), daughter of William Henry Tew, by his wife, Eleanor Ittwood, n�e Scott. He d.s.p. at Paris, France, 15th October 1985 (bur. Leuville-sur-Orge, Essonne).

�      (v) Prince Simon [Simoni Nikolaoz] Dadiani. b. at Zirkvali, 23rd July 1916 (s/o Princess Marie). He d. at San Francisco, USA, California, 27th February 1975. Copyright� Christopher Buyers

�      (i) Princess Mariami [Meri]. b. at Kutaisi, Imereti, 25th March 1898 o.s. m. Prince Solomoni [Solia] Mikeli Andronikashvili (b. 1887; d. 1929), son of Prince Mikeli Luarsabi Andronikashvili, by his wife, Princess Mariami, daughter of Prince Andronik [Donik] Zaali Andronikashvili. She d. at Tbilisi, Kartli, 1974, having had issue, three sons.

�      (ii) Princess Barbara [Babo] Dadiani. b. at Bandza, Mingrelia, 11th September 1903 (d/o Princess Nino). Emigrated to Istanbul in 1921 and later to France, but later returned to Georgia, arrested and exiled to Central Asia for many years. m. at Istanbul, Turkey, 1921, Aleqsi Mashkarashvili (b. 1895; k. 1937), son of Giorgi Mashkarashvili. She d. 1999, having had issue, one son and one daughter.

�      (iii) Princess Kethevan [Mia] Dadiani. b. at Zirkvali, 10th October 1914 (d/o Princess Maria). She d. at Paris, unm. 21st February 1996 (bur. Leuville-sur-Orge, Essonne).

�      (a) Princess Sopio [Sophia] Dadiani. b. 1861.

�      (b) Princess Olgha. b. 1862. m. m. Prince Nestori Ioani Mkheidze (b. 1865), third son of Prince Ioani Kintiria Bejan Mkheidze. She had issue, one son and two daughters.

�      (c) Princess Nino Iulita. b. 1864. m. Prince Beglar Nestori Chichua (b. 1860).

�       (2) Prince Aleksandri-Grigori Elizbari Dadiani. b. ca. 1834. He d. 1898.

�       (3) Major-General Prince Otia Elizbari Dadiani. b. 15th March 1836 o.s., educ. Lyc�e Kutaisi, Imereti, and Military Sch., St Petersburg. Ensign 1856, trans. as 2nd-Lieut. Chevalier Guards 1859, Mediator at Zugdidi 1867, prom. Capt-Lieut., served in the Russo-Turkish War 1877, Chief of Ozurguity mil. Dist. 1879, retd. as Maj-Gen. m. 1853, Princess Daria Dadiani (b. 1845), daughter of Prince Luarsabi Cholokaev. He d. 1914, having had issue, four sons and four daughters:

�      (a) Prince Davit Otia Dadiani. b. 13th February 1869 o.s. m. Princess Pelagea Dadiani (b. 1877; d. 1947), eldest daughter of Prince Aleqsi Davit Mkheidze, by his wife, Princess Ana, daughter of Prince Siso Aphakidze. He d.s.p.

�      (b) Prince Ioani Otia Dadiani. b. 2nd February 1871 o.s. Engineer. Rcvd: Knt. of the Orders of St Anne 2nd cass, St Stanislas 2nd Class (1912), and St Vladimir 4th class (1916). m. Princess Maria Mikhailovna Dadiani, daughter of Mikhail Garsevanov. He d. 1921, having had issue, one son:

�      (i) Prince Mikeli Ioani Dadiani. b. 1st October 1906 o.s.

�      (c) Prince Elizbari Otia Dadiani. b. 1879. He d. young.

�      (d) Prince Luarsabi Otia Dadiani. b. 24th February 1884. Capt. Tverskoi Regt. of Cavalry. He d. unm. 1965.

�      (a) Princess Ekaterina. b. 5th December 1869. m. Prince Aleksandri Maxim Kotschakidze (b. 1858), son of Prince Maxim Kotshakidze. She had issue, one son.

�      (b) Princess Nino. b. 16th November 1871. m. Prince Demeter [Titiko] Konstantini Eristavi-Gurieli (b. 1859; d. 1924), younger son of Prince Konstantini Vakhtang Eristavi-Gurieli, by his wife, Princess Iulita, fifth daughter of Prince Giorgi Kachia Nakashidze. She d. 1957, having had issue, one son and two daughters.

�      (c) Princess Ana. b. 5th February 1873. m. (first) � Mdviani. m. (second) � Shashikashvili. Copyright� Christopher Buyers

�      (d) Princess Thamar. b. 14th September 1882. m. Prince Davit Luarsabi Kipiani, son of Prince Luarsabi Kipiani, of Radsha.

�       (4) Prince Luarsabi Elizbari Dadiani. b. 1837.

�       (5) Prince Ivan Elizbari Dadiani. b. 1839. Ensign 1865, Senator 1894. m. (first) Princess Kesaria [Vasasi] Dadiani (b. 1844; d. before 1874), daughter of Prince Aleksandri Chikovani. m. (second) 1874, Princess Kethevan [Kekela] Dadiani (b. 1836), elder daughter of Prince Teimurazi Simoni Agiashvili, by his wife, Princess Kethevan, daughter of Prince Giorgi Gelovani. He had issue, two sons and two daughters:

�      (a) Prince Giorgi Ivan Dadiani. b. 1863 (s/o Kesaria).

�      (b) Prince Konstantini Ivan Dadiani. b. 8th August 1873. m. Princess Tamara Dadiani (b. 1869; d. 1952), third daughter of Lieutenant-General Prince Levanti Davit Gurieli, by his wife, Princess Sopio, daughter of Prince Vasili Bebutashvili. He had issue, one son and one daughter:

�      (i) Prince Vassili Konstantini Dadiani. b. 1898. m. (first) (div.) Princess Mariami [Zhozho] Dadiani (b. 1892; m. second, � von Kurt, and d. 1942), daughter of Prince Grigori [Gita] Konstantini Dadiani, sometime. Marshal of the Nobility of Zugdidi, by his wife, Princess Olgha Dadiani, elder daughter of Prince Mikeli Manuchari Dadiani. m. (second) Ana Dudnikova (b. 1895; d. 1978). He d. 1986, having had issue, one son:

�     1. Prince Nikolai Vassili Dadiani. b. 1921. He d. 1996, having had issue, one son and one daughter:

�     a. Prince Levanti Nikolaoz Dadiani. b. 1945. He has issue, two sons:

�    i. Prince Nikolaoz Levanti Dadiani. b. 1970.

�    ii. Prince Giorgi Levanti Dadiani. b. 1974.

�     a. Princess Thamar Dadiani. b. 1953.

�      (i) Princess Nina. b. 1901. m. (first) � Sanikidze. m. (second) Prince Sidamoni-Eristavi. She d. 1974.

�      (a) Princess Alexandra Dadiani. b. 1864.

�      (b) Princess Agatha Dadiani. b. 1872. m. Prince Petri Aleksandri Dadiani (b. 22nd August 1855; d. at Harbin, China, 10th May 1939), twin son of Prince Aleksandri Dadiani, by his wife, Princess Rodami, daughter of Prince Manuchari Mikadze. She d. 1958, having had issue, two sons and two daughters - see below.

�       (6) Prince Demeter-Antoni Elizbari Dadiani. b. 1847. He d.s.p. 1895.

�       (1) Princess Agatha. b. 1829. m. 1845, Lieutenant-General Prince Grigori Aleksandri Shervashidze (b. 1818; d. 1898), eldest son of Prince Aleksandri Bekir Shrvashidze ['Ali Bey], of Shuasopeli, by his wife, Princess Kesaria, elder daughter of Major-General H.E. Prince Nichola Giorgi Dadiani, of Kurdzu. She d. 1919, having had issue - see Georgia (Abkhazia).

�       (2) Princess Natalia. b. 1834. m. 1853, Major-General Prince Giorgi Teimurazi Agiashvili (b. 1831), son of Prince Teimurazi Simoni Agiashvili, by his wife, Princess Kethevan, daughter of Prince Giorgi Gelovani. She had issue, one son and one daughter.

�       (3) Princess Nina. m. Prince Andrei Eristavi.

�       (4) Princess Anna. m. Prince Kipiani. Copyright� Christopher Buyers

�       (5) Princess Feodosia Dzhakhana. b. 1848. m. Prince Vakhtang Davit Gurieli (b. 1848), sometime Marshal of the Nobility of Ozurgeti, fifth son of Prince Davit Gurieli, Head of the Ducal House of Guria, by his wife, Princess Kethevan, daughter of Major-General H.E. Prince Nichola Giorgi Dadiani, of Kurdzu - see Georgia (Guria).

�       iv) Prince Antoni Giorgi Dadiani. Archbishop of Chkondidsky 1843-1852.

�       v) Prince Katsia Giorgi Dadiani. b. 1809. Lieut. m. (first) Princress Elizabed Dadiani (d. 1840), daughter of Prince Katsia Chkotua, by whom he had issue, two sons and four daughters. m. (second) Princess Eudoxia Dadiani (b. 1821), daughter of Prince Simoni Tzulukidze. m. (third) Princess Bagration-Mukhranskaya. He d. 1875, having had issue, six sons and six daughters:

�       (1) Prince Melitoni Katsia Dadiani. b. 1827 (s/o the first wife). Collegiate Assessor 1865. Mbr. Comsn. for the Emancipation of Serfs, Head of the Chancery of the Governor of Mingrelia. m. 1859, Princess Kethevan Dadiani (b. 1840), daughter of Prince Giorgi Chichua. He had issue, three sons and four daughters:

�      (a) Prince Giorgi Melitoni Dadiani. b. 1859.

�      (b) Prince Mikeli Melitoni Dadiani. b. 1867. Mediator at Zugdidi. He d. unm?

�      (c) Prince Vladimir Melitoni Dadiani. b. 1866. He dissappeared during the Civil War.

�      (a) Princess Elizabed. b. 1857. m. (first) Prince Samsoni Aleksandri Matshutadze (b. 1845), son of Prince Aleksandri Matshutadze. m. (second) Prince Konstantini Davit Tsulukidze, son of Prince Davit Tsulukidze.

�      (b) Princess Mariami. b. 30th October 1858. m. Prince Andrei Mikeli Eristavi-Gurieli (b. 20th January 1855; d. at Paris, 15th January 1923, bur. St Genevi�ve-des-Bois Orthodox Cemetery, Essonne), Elected Mbr. of the Cncl. of the Empire 1913, youngest son of Prince Mikeli Kaikushru Eristavi-Gurieli, by his wife, Princess Elizabed, younger daughter of Prince Otia Giorgi Dadiani. She d. at Paris, 22nd October 1937, having had issue, two sons and one daughter.

�      (c) Princess Marfa Dadiani. b. 1861.

�      (d) Princess Teodosia Fenia. b. 1864. m. Prince Petri Kvadzhevishem Anchabadze (b. 1860). She d. 1937.

�       (2) Prince Luarsabi Katsia Dadiani (s/o the first wife). He d.s.p.

�       (3) Prince Bessarioni Katsia Dadiani. b. 1845 (s/o Princess Eudoxia). m. Princess Aleksandra Dadiani (b. 1865), daughter of Prince Evgeni Dgebuazde. He had issue:

�      (a) Prince Dzhvebe Evgeni Bessarioni Dadiani. b. 1892. He d. young?

�      (b) Prince Shalva Bessarioni Dadiani. b. 1895. He d. young?

�      (c) Prince Shota Bessarioni Dadiani. b. 1898. He d. young?

�      (d) Prince Khutunia Sergei Bessarioni Dadiani. b. 1907. He d.s.p.

�      (e) Prince Tatarkhan Nikolaoz Bessarioni Dadiani. b. 1909. He d.s.p.

�      (a) Princess Liutsia. m. Prince Grigori Nikolaoz Chikovani.

�       (4) Prince Ambrosi Sardion Katsia Dadiani. b. 1852 (s/o Princess Eudoxia). m. (first) Princess Natali Dadiani, n�e Pagava. m. (second) Princess Kethevan Dadiani (b. 1865; d. 1938), daughter of Prince Manuchari Katsia Dadiani, by his second wife, a daughter of Prince Mikeladze. He d. 1925, having had issue, two sons and three daughters: Copyright� Christopher Buyers

�      (a) Prince Grigori Ambrosi Dadiani. b. 1884. He d. 1963, having had issue, two sons and one daughter:

�      (i) Prince Shermadin Grigori Dadiani. b. 1929. He d. 1952.

�      (ii) Prince Tarieli Grigori Dadiani. b. 1931. He has issue, three sons and one daughter:

�     1. Davit Tarieli Dadiani. b. 1967.

�     2. Shermadin Tarieli Dadiani. b. 1970.

�     3. Lasha Tarieli Dadiani. b. 1974.

�     1. Darejan Dadiani. b. 1972.

�      (i) Princess Julianara Dadiani. b. 1931.

�      (b) Prince Mincha Ambrosi Dadiani.

�      (a) Princess Menik. b. 1880. m. Alexander Grigorlia (b. 1879; d. 1976). She d. 1974.

�      (b) Princess Mariami [Chuchu]. m. Prince Nestori Emukhvari (b. 1873; d. 1949). She d. 1976.

�      (c) Princess Kethevan Dadiani. b. 1892. She d. 1973.

�       (5) Prince Nikolaoz Katsia Dadiani. b. 1852 (s/o Princess Eudoxia). m. Princess Elena Dadiani (b. 1856; d. 1951), daughter of Prince Aleksandri Chikovani. He d. 1917, having had issue, four sons:

�      (a) Prince Levanti Nikolaoz Dadiani. b. 1893. He d.s.p. 1916.

�      (b) Prince Giorgi Nikolaoz Dadiani.

�      (c) Prince Demeter [Khukha] Nikolaoz Dadiani. b. 1904. He d. 1978, having had issue:

�      (i) Kukuri Demeter Dadiani. b. 1928. He has issue, one son and three daughters:

�     1. Levanti Kukuri Dadiani. b. 1964. He has issue, one son:

�     a. Nikolai Levanti Dadiani. b. 1995.

�     1. Nana Dadiani. b. 1956. Copyright� Christopher Buyers

�     2. Maia Dadiani. b. 1958.

�     3. Elena Dadiani. b. 1961.

�      (ii) Tsiala Demeter Dadiani. b. 1931. He d. 1970.

�      (iii) Guram Demeter Dadiani. b. 1934. He has issue, two daughters:

�     1. Nino Dadiani. b. 1957.

�     2. Eka Dadiani. b. 1961.

�      (d) Prince Ilya Nikolaoz Dadiani. b. 1907. He d. 1980, having had issue, two sons:

�      (i) Jamal Ilya Dadiani. b. 1938. He has issue, two sons:

�     1. Otar Jamal Dadiani. b. 1955. He has issue, two sons:

�     a. Anli Dadiani.

�     b. Makika Dadiani.

�     2. Nestori Jamal Dadiani. b. 1958.

�      (ii) Apsolom Ilya Dadiani. b. 1942. He has issue, three sons:

�     1. Besarioni Apsolom Dadiani.

�     2. Bejan Apsolom Dadiani.

�     3. Badri Apsolom Dadiani.

�       (6) Prince Grigori Katsia Dadiani. b. 1854 (s/o Princess Eudoxia).

�       (1) Princess Mariami. b. 1830 (d/o the first wife). m. Prince Grigori Bezhan Mkheidze (b. 1820). Copyright� Christopher Buyers

�       (2) Princess Nina. b. 1835 (d/o the first wife). m. (first) 1848, Prince Demeter Vakhtang Eristavi-Gurieli (b. 1804; d. 1869), eldest son of Prince Vakhtang Rustami Eristavi-Gurieli. m. (second) as his second wife, Prince Jesse Aleksandri Giorgi Gurieli (b. 1833; d. 1890), eldest son of Prince Giorgi Levanti Gurieli, 2nd-Lieut. Russian Army, by his wife, Princess Ana, eldest daughter of Lieutenant-General H.S.H. Prince Mikeli Giorgi Shervashidze [Hamid Bey], Prince of Abkhazia. She d. 1933  - see Georgia (Guria).

�       (3) Princess Minadora. b. 1842 (d/o the first wife). m. Prince Levanti Otar Dadeshkeliani (b. 1829; d. 1889), eldest son of Prince Otar Mikeli Dadeshkeliani, of Svania - see Georgia (Svania).

�       (4) Princess Maka (d/o the first wife). m. Prince Grigori Mkheidze.

�       (5) Princess Elizabed. b. 1850. m. 1865, Prince Aleksandri Ioani Eristavi, of Radsha (b. 1845).

�       (6) Princess Roskanna Dadiani. b. 1856 (d/o Princess Eudoxia). She d. young.

�       i) Princess Ekaterina. b. 1785. m. Prince Nikolaoz Zaali Pagava (b. 1788). She d. 1846.

�        a) Princess Nina. b. 1790. m. Prince Salaru�o Marshania, of Tselebi.

�        b) Princess Kekela. m. Prince Solomoni Agviashvili.

�        1) Princess Mariami [H.M. The Most High Queen]. m. at Kutaisi, Imereti, ca. 1752, as his first wife, H.M. The Most High King Solomon I Great, King of Imereti (b. 1735; d. at Kutaisi, Imereti, 23rd April 1782 (or 4th May 1784), second son of H.M. The Most High King Aleksandri V, King of Imereti. She d. after 1800 (bur. G�lath), having had issue, one son and two daughters - see Georgia (Imereti).



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