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EM – 568

Business Ethics and Negotiations


Three Hours Lecture, Three Credit Hours

Instructor:  Mahmut Tuğrul KIRMIZI  - MARSHAN - МАРШЬАН (Dr. Dipl. Ing. - I.T.U).


I.  PREREQUISTS:                 






All related digital material (books, videos etc.) can be obtained from Dr. M. Tugrul Kirmizi - Marshan.






CHU,  Chin Ning, "Thick Face, Black Heart: The Asian Path to Thriving, Winning & Succeeding", New York: Time Warner Books, 1992.


SENGE, P., "The Fifth Discipline"

Paperback: 464 pages
Publisher: Currency (March 21, 2006)
ISBN-10: 0385517254
ISBN-13: 978-0385517256

MUSASHI,  M.,  (trans. Thomas Cleary) "The Book of Five Rings" Shambala , 1994


SUN TSU, "The Art of War", (Samuel B. Griffith, translation & commentary), NY: Oxford University Press, 1971,  ISBN 0-19-501476-6, version most familiar to military readers.  Brig.Gen. Griffith, USMC


SUN TSU, "Sun Tsu on the Art of War", (Lionel Giles, translation & commentary), Singapore: Graham Brash (Pte) Ltd., 1993), ISBN 9971-49-107-9, first published in 1910 {and thus in the public domain, and thus available on the Internet to download}  This is the classic and very scholarly first major translation into English






Ethics is one of the most challenging areas where values are subject to degeneration in business environment (private or public). The aim of this course is to earn the student different perspective other than cognitive knowledge and methods of how to maximize “materialistic” efficiency and profit-making at business environments; the concern is on the way the work or management is executed, the role and contribution of ethics on productivity, and endearing of job as well, the fundamental (universal) principles of ethics and moral values (from Western and Eastern perspectives) of doing right work and right management, honest leadership in transmission of culture of work ethics and motivation, concepts of responsibility, righteousness, accountability (liability), the respect and honesty, etc., the methodology of examining ethical issues and conflicts from various perspectives (deontological and teleological). Another aspect of this view is its strategic notion whether it has satisfaction points and gains which can be understood by gaming approaches (negotiation, bluffing): negotiation “experiments”.

The warrior philosophy for conquering the challenges of business and life will also be boroadly discussed. A superior business warrior is guided through an inner wisdom that is cultivated by facing life's challenges while questing for balance: In other words, this course will present the warrior philosophy as the premier vehicle for mastering strategic thinking in the corporate world as well as in daily life. The complex elements of strength, strategy, philosophy, pragmatic enterprise and personal growth into every topic will be discussed. Last but not the least this course will dispense a powerful perspective on dynamic, proven strategies that each business warrior can use to get ahead in today's business world.

During discussions this course will transform itself into a learning organization where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together.




V. GRADING:              

Two Mid Term examinations will be averaged and affect the grade by 50 %. Final exam will be the 50 % of the resulting grade.


















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